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- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:44:59 EST
- From: PowerRoy <PowerRoy@AOL.COM>
- Subject: [IML] IFW: Bones, IK, and Child Objects ...
- Howdy Y'all,
- I've been working on my first "Bones" project in Imagine (for Windows 1.3.4),
- and came across a little problem that I'm hoping someone may have a solution
- or work-around for...
- Awhile back it was mentioned on the list that there is a problem with "boned"
- CHILD objects not updating correctly when the bones are posed. Accordingly, I
- built my character as one object, with the exception of the eyeballs and
- spectacles. I figured that since these were child objects withOUT bones, that
- things would work O.K. ... and they do, if I pose the character by selecting
- one bone axis at a time, and rotating it into place (for instance, if I bend
- the upper body, then do a "bones update", everything comes out where it
- should). But last night I thought that I would give Inverse Kinematics a
- whirl, and discovered that these child objects do not update when using IK ...
- if I set up constraints, and then bend the upperbody by, say, grabbing the
- wrist and moving it, the head will follow along with the bend of the upperbody
- -- but the eyeballs and spectacles stay where they started, and don't follow
- along with the head (producing a pretty freaky looking character). Has anybody
- else come across this little problem, and possibly come up with an elegant
- (and hopefully simple) solution?
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 20:22:44 +0400
- From: Charles Blaquiere <blaq@INTERLOG.COM>
- Roy, if nobody else comes up with a solution for you, I may have a
- workaround. My knowledge of bones is extremely limited (BVRE doesn't do
- bones yet %^S), but how about the following: bone your eyes (sounds
- painful!), but set up the subgroups so the eyes only move, but don't
- stretch. If all your other boned objects update correctly, then the eyes
- should too.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 13:57:52 -0800
- From: Clae & Deborah Tanett <cd@ACCUTEK.COM>
- Clae here
- This is very curious to me... Where do you have your 'eyeballs' attached?
- (sorry for the phrasing :)) If they are parented to the last axis in the
- neck line they would move as you moved the rest of the axises, the body
- would update to their position not them to the body's. It's really hard to
- say what the problem is without knowing to 'what' the eyes are parented to.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 19:58:57 -0600
- From: Mike Bayona <mb@MB.SIMPLENET.COM>
- The only thing that occured to me, is that to setup bones, you have to
- group the axises in a proper heirarchy, but, you might have grouped the
- seperate objects, the eyes/glasses, to the parent object, or to the wrong
- bones, hence they aren't moving with the head bone.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 22:26:34 EST
- From: PowerRoy <PowerRoy@AOL.COM>
- To Clae and Charles,
- (Clae wrote ...)
- <<Where do you have your 'eyeballs' attached? (sorry for the phrasing :)) If
- they are parented to the last axis in the neck line they would move as you
- moved the rest of the axises, ...>>
- You're absolutely right, Clae ... I'm glad you confirmed that things SHOULD
- work the way I expected them to (and yes, they are parented to the last axis
- in the neck). You gave me good reason to go and re-examine what I was trying
- to do, and I found my mistake (and fixed it). It seems that I had messed up in
- defining the bones subgroups from the upper back on up through the character's
- head. It turned out that the eyes and spectacles WERE updating correctly, but
- the HEAD wasn't, and (since bones are still kinda new to me), I misinterpreted
- what I was seeing (well, it was getting pretty late at night when I noticed
- that I had a problem). Thanx for your comment, Clae ... ya helped me get my
- Santa Claus working much better with IK than it was before (the back "bones"
- were working, and the neck "bones" too, ... except for just one of 'em). Thanx
- again.
- (and Charles wrote ...)
- <<bone your eyes (sounds painful!), but set up the subgroups so the eyes only
- move, but don't stretch>>
- Before I tracked down my problem (thanks to Clae), that was gonna be my
- solution, too. I had already used this same technique with the hands and
- boots, which were originally seperate objects (until I found out that boned
- child objects don't update correctly). So I had joined them to the main body,
- and defined each as a distinct "bone", which uses the same face subgroups for
- both large and small subgroups. Neat trick, and it works pretty well. Thanks
- for the assist, and keep an eye out for the animation (if I EVER get it
- done!).
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 01:30:42 -0500
- From: Collins <collins@ACCUCOMM.NET>
- One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet... Did you add the eyes and
- glasses before, or, after you created any states? If it is after, you
- will get the results you are talking about. I know if you have created a
- bunch of states, this will sound cruel, but, if you strip your object of
- all state data and start over with a new default and go from there, it
- will work properly. Or, You could update the default, then set the
- parent object the next state and move the non-conforming object to the
- proper position, then update that state, and so on for the rest of your
- states... I believe this works also.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 23:12:23 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- Subject: [IML] QUEST: Bones
- Hi again. I've followed a bones tutorial found in the FAQ 8 but I can't
- seem to get it to work for me. Basically I've got a cube with 12 faces
- (2 triangles per square side). I then fractured 4 of the sides (not the
- two end sides). This cut each side into 8 faces. I would explain this
- with ASCII art but Im no good at it :-). Think of it as a robot arm. The
- two unfractured ends are the wrist and the shoulder. Inbetween I have
- created an Elbow by fracturing. I select the wrist end faces and save it
- as "small" subgroup. I then select the wrist end faces and all the faces
- up to and including the elbow and save them as "big" subgroup. I then
- add an axis and place it at the elbow with the z axis facing the wrist.
- I group it to the object axis with the object axis as the parent. I then
- select the child axis and set subgroups correspondingly (small as small
- subgroup and large as large subgroup). I then select the child axis in
- object mode and rotate it. I then select the parent axis in group and/or
- object mode and select "update bone shape (or something)" but nothing
- happens!!
- Could some-one please point out to me what I'm doing wrong. The tutorial
- I followed worked fine and I thought I'd done everything right in this
- one as well but obviously I haven't.
- Thanks,
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 10:57:46 +0000
- From: Richard Gowland <u9601115@BOURNEMOUTH.AC.UK>
- George,
- I've had a problem with bones that sounds like the one you've got. In
- the end it turned out that to get the bones to work I had to select
- shape and grouping when creating the default state. If you are still
- having problems there are some rules to bones in Imagine at this site:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/crestline/bones.htm
- I hope this is of some help
- ----------------------------------
- FYI: Clae Tannet has a Bones tutorial on his homepage at
- http://www.accutek.com/~cd. I don't visited it yet.